Hydration, hydration, hydration
So we all hear about hydration and the body. And this anti aging post we aren't necessarily talking about external hydration or the standard hydration that it takes to get through each day. According to a new course that I am taking on neuropathic nutrition, the vast majority of the United States is chronically dehydrated.
As many of us know, chronic dehydration is super hard on the body. Not only is it hard on your skin but it is also hard on your toxin eliminating organs. The not so obvious, yet very important organs that can be highly affected by dehydration is your digestive tract and your liver. I'll bet you thought I was going to say kidneys and bladder. Those are also very much involved in the elimination of waste. However, the toxins that are eliminated through your liver and your digestive tract for some are significantly more important to keep in check. Obviously if you're prone to bladder infections and issues with your kidneys those would be more important to stay hydrated. The point here though, is that there are two key organs that are typically involved in keeping the skin healthy. Other than the skin itself, the digestive tract and the liver seem to have a direct connection to the skin and how Lively and high-functioning it is. They both also play an integral role when it comes to skin disorders.
In a not too recent study scientists found that rats that had fatty liver when covered with petroleum jelly seemed to ease the liver of its issues. Originally, it was thought that the petroleum jelly was key. However, they did try other salves which seemed to work just as well. What the scientists discerned from their experiment, which was a lot more detailed than what I have explained here, is that there is a direct communication between the skin in the liver and the health of both!
Any acne sufferer will also tell you that their digestive tract and their diet had a lot to do with healing their skin. Many acne sufferers have had to go on elimination diets and do allergy tests and the like. According to Dr. Axe, the gut permeability can wreak havoc on the body with things that aren't even toxic to it. But because of the gut-immune axis, if food substances and various chemicals are escaping through the intestinal wall and getting into the bloodstream the immune system automatically tries to attack it as a foreign body. Which can cause a plethora of multi-systemic problems. Chronic dehydration has been known to influence the gut Flora and cause an imbalance that could potentially contribute to gut permeability.
Something that I didn't actually know that some of my educated readers may have is that dehydrated skin doesn't repair itself near as well. So, all of the dermarolling and dermaplaning that many do, is practically worthless if your dehydration is severe enough. Additionally, essential fatty acids will only be high functioning when the body is hydrated at the cellular level. This alone is enough for me to feel a stronger pull towards giving up my all day coffee addiction and reach for some hydrating fluids!
So what do we do about dehydration? The course that I have been taking on neuropathic nutrition has suggested not to have more than two caffeinated beverages a day. Since caffeine is a diuretic, any water that you take in after that will automatically be immediately dispelled through the you're urin and not absorbed into the body and all of its tissues. They further explained that eating living Foods and water rich foods are key to rehydrating the body.
They have a pretty extensive protocol. Yet they do suggest that just rehydrating the body and not going on the food program would create mountainous steps towards positive health. They suggest for 30 days to stay away from crackers and dry Foods. And if you are going to eat some grains, you should definitely Sprout them so that they will become living foods rich with moisture. There are many other individuals in the health industry who also subscribe to the idea that sprouted grains have incredible anti-aging properties. Supplementing your soda or coffee if (you drink it all day) with water is a great idea. Supplementing soda with water will be easier because you can always add fruit juices and salt to the water to make it a little more pleasing to drink. For those of us coffee drinkers out there, hot water is okay!
When talking about the fruit juices that you can incorporate into your 30-day plan they do suggest to add greens. Per their protocol the green foods are the most beneficial to your health. I, myself, add spirulina or Chlorella to my smoothies and sometimes I throw in a little spinach or kale. I can say that whenever I do that regularly, I have less inflammation in my body, less brain fog and a lot more energy. My joint pain from years of desk work dissolves and my complexion clears up.
I got my tubes tied a couple of years ago. My physician automatically prescribed me pain medication for after the procedure. I did fruit smoothies for a week and felt no pain. I was still very bloated of course! But there was no post-surgical pain at all. The pharmacy even called me to ask if I had planned on picking up my script. I never needed it so I never picked it up. Therefore, I definitely support living Foods and I have seen a lot of the benefits in my life from them.
Since this post has gotten incredibly wordy, I will write another post about how to sprout grains that will be significantly shorter! I do believe that I have written a post about bone broth and how to make your own. But since it is so important and I do have a handful of other gut healing tricks in my bag, I will also write another post solely for healing the gut wall.
Thank you, my beautiful readers for being so patient with me and supportive of all of my blogs!!
If you are really looking for some phenomenal hydration packets, visit my store at https://candaceyoung.itworks.com
Delayed Hepatic Adaptation to Weaning in ACBP−/− Mice Is Caused by Disruption of the Epidermal Barrier. Cell Reports, 2013; DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.11.010
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