Activated Charcoal Eye Drops for Scar Tissue of the Eye
As a single lady, I do get out and date from time to time. I had one date with a gentleman who had very obvious scar tissue built up in his eye. He had stated that he couldn't have surgery on it because it hadn't progressed enough but they will be monitoring it until that time. It didn't look inflamed, but it looked uncomfortable. I have scratched my cornea before and gotten an eyelash stuck in my eye and I can say that the sensation is annoying as all get out! So of course, being the overly helpful person that I am, I had him swing by my place after our date and I made him up some activated charcoal drops. My theory was that it would basically nullify any bacterial or viral or any infective contributor to the issue.
I friggen ❤ it when I am right!! Oddly enough, he ghosted me after our first date. Yet months later he sent me a text thanking me for the drops and indicated that he needed more since he ran out and he just had a small amount of the scar tissue growth left. I made him the drops.
Regardless, the whole idea that my holistic gut instinct had my mind buzzing! I did some Google searching and it's a REAL thing! He likely had ptergium and the alternative medicine gurus out there have been using these sweet drops for quite a while!
A pterygium (pronounced "tehr-RIDGE-ium") is a growth of scar tissue and blood vessels on the surface of the eye, known as the cornea. It can be quite noticeable and bothersome. The first few stages aren't overly painful and your eye surgeon may opt to just monitor it until it gets to a point of unbearability. Sunglasses should be worn at all times when outside to prevent further damage. Essentially, modern medicine suggests that's about all that you can do for it.
However, in the holistic wellness area, we (you and me) now know that the standard practice isn't necessary at all. And while his eye surgeon was making him wait for medical necessity, he was using drops that ultimately eradicated the disorder. I did some research on how other people have made their drops for this post and I can say that I didn't do it the same way at all.
Their suggestion was to use the powder form of activated charcoal and not the gel caps as the caps coming in contact with the charcoal could contaminate it. I never even considered that since activated charcoal is a "clean all". It gets rid of everything...drugs in the system, good bacteria, bad bacteria, vitamins and minerals, inflammation, I mean EVERYTHING! Which is why one has to be cautious when using it. I am not going to go over how to use it in your diet because I feel that there are so many safer ways of cleansing your system than a daily regimen of activated charcoal.
So, I am finally getting to the the heck did I make mine? I actually have the capsules. So, I opened my capsules (2 specifically) into a small container and added distilled water to it (only a few tablespoons. I eyeball most things). I then mixed it up and used a mini funnel to put it in a dropper container. The one that I had on hand was glass and of course, cuz I am me, I reused a bottle of empty hyalouronic acid. I cleaned it up really well and even used a pipe cleaner to get deep into the dropper and get it thoroughly sanitized.
I sent him home with it and he religiously used it daily because he felt like it really did feel better after using it. He only used a drop or two in that one eye regularly.
Since then, I have actually used the eye drops for when my kids get a sty, or when my dogs have gotten a chemical in their eye. My dog, Charlie, is very curious and he was playing with a toad that ended up squirting him in the eye. The activated charcoal drops helped sooth that immediately. I have also heard that it is highly functional for pink eye and floaters. I have used up all of my glass droppers, so I reused a plastic one to keep on hand.
Click on the pics below if you are interested in buying your own activated charcoal online. Otherwise, they do have the capsules in the vitamin section at Wal-Mart that you can pick up the next time you go.
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