Nay on the Gray! But yes to more of a mess!
Are you a bit like me and kinda feel torn with the scattered gray hairs on your head. Are they sexy? Are they not sexy? I suppose it's really just a preference thing like everything else in the beauty world. If you like em thus far, GREAT! But if you don't, I have a few tips here that have been known to help banish the gray and restore the natural color to your lovely locks!
One of the most potent ways to kick grays to the curb, is with the trusty ole hops! You got it, the beer-hair-rinse is a real thing! And your hair very quickly thanks you for it! It improves the luster of the hair overall almost instantly. Obviously, there are some beers that don't have any hops and you should either consider getting those with hops or just buying the hops online. I have found them on Amazon...imagine that right?
One of the many benefits of hops is that it literally restores your hair to it's natural color. So, those of us who's lashes are no longer that dark, sensuous black could use hops on our lashes and restore them to their natural state, according to one of my favorite beauty books: Bio-Young: Get Younger at a Cellular and Hormonal Level by Roxy Dillan. I know that I have referenced her book before, but seriously, it was a page turner for me and I have yet to find that her advice is inaccurate!
Another thing, that's not actually in her book, is the use of colloidal copper. I make my own through a very inexpensive generator that I purchased through amazon. Copper is an essential metal that our body needs for a number of different processes. It is known to help in the formation of collagen and to aid in pigment preservation. It's actually been known to reverse gray hair fairly quickly for some people. I like to keep mine in a spray bottle and just douse myself a bit and rub it around in my scalp.
One bonus tip for those of you who may actually be more concerned about the thinning of hair...that nectar of the gods or healing elixir...whatever you want to call is pretty great at thickening your hair back up. I am currently using it for my brows...remember the skinny brow phase? My brows stopped needing constant plucking years ago. I have been seeing that the thick brow is coming back in style and frankly, I love it and I want my bushy-bons back!!! With the coffee method that I am using, I am getting a few strays coming in here and there. I would make more progress if this was a daily process. I really have only done it 4 or 5 times over the past few months. This small amount has gotten me a couple of extra hairs in that plucked area!
You can use almost any kind of caffeinated coffee...instant or brewed. Just make a pretty darned potent batch and mix with a little glycerin (if you're using on your brows or lashes) or mix with your normal shampoo...or poo for short. I like to use a bore hair brush or any softer brush that you may have with natural bristles and I scuff up the skin a bit...just like exfoliating. Then I wipe on the coffee serum. That's it! Definitely try it for yourself and put a comment below and let me know how it worked for you!
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