Duck Fat for thirsty skin

Hello all of my beautiful readers! A lot of you have never seen me up-close and in person. But those of you that have know that I have some scarring on my skin and other issues that seem relatively constant while I work to improve my scars without surgery. What the heck kind of scars could I have? Well, after having children, I ended up finally getting some form of acne. This is the only reason that I would ever miss those dang teen years...I had beautiful, glowing skin that I rarely washed with more than just bar soap. In short, the acne did start to bother me and I started doing home acid peels. I do everything myself. I am one of THOSE people. Ha ha ha. Needless to say, I went after the scarring a little too hard and I burned the ever loving dickens out of my facial skin. Since then, it's been a challenge to repair at home. 

Many of the products that I tried made me break out and other's (dermarolling) caused even more scarring. Hmpf!!! Add some not so great life choices in there like smoking and drinking coffee to excess and frankly, it's a pretty darned big challenge to get that teenage glow and texture back. I don't believe that a person is a failure until they give up without meeting their, my anti-aging and skincare blog is mostly about the things that I have tried that has worked for me. I truly hope that it is helpful for others in their quest to look and feel as good as they possibly can with their god given natural beauty.

Enough history and back to the original subject! I have recently read a new book on Amazon called: Bio-Young: Get Younger at a Cellular and Hormonal Level by Roxy Dillon. It is just riddled with a thousand and one tips for anti-aging that you can do naturally in your home for pennies on the dollar! Something that was mentioned was the fatty acids and good cholesterol and hyaluronon within rendered duck fat, emu oil and lard. Yes, I did say lard. These ingredients truly help to heal that skin barrier and get rid of the red, flakiness of a disturbed skin barrier. What a great tip! Just dig around in your pantry right?

Another tip that is mentioned in the book is the honey and water toner. This is great for women who aren't getting enough estrogen and could use a bit of a natural supply. It seems to plump the skin through continued use and I have also found that it is really wonderful on any acne issues that I get. Additionally it also seems to act as a magnifier for my light therapy masks. I can't say enough good things about using it in a little spray bottle and throwing on one of my light masks.

Something to consider if you are a derma-roller or a smoker is to make your own vitamin c serum. Just take some ascorbic acid powder (I ground up a vitamin c tablet) mix in a little water and viola! You have some serum. I like to add a touch of glycerin to mine to improve the absorption and increase moisturization. The exact recipe is within her book, but I didn't want to give everything away. On a positive note, I almost never measure and I saw results within the first few days of use! It's not an exact science, so you can definitely experiment with your own portions.

All of the products listed can be bought at your local grocery store or online. If you choose to go with Amazon, you can click my cute little banner above and try some of the stuff out for yourself. Maybe you'll even check that book by Roxy out and find some recipes that you love and enjoy. Happy Hollidays!


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